Black woman living in luxury, reading a book in a poolside cabana | Bon Vie magazine

This summer, the literary landscape is set to come alive with a vibrant array of books written by Black authors, offering readers stories that run the gamut of the human experience.

From thrilling mysteries to insightful nonfiction, these highly anticipated releases are the perfect companions for summer travel, inviting you to embark on unforgettable journeys long before takeoff.

Black woman standing in front of a beautiful piece of modern art in a gallery | How to Buy Fine Art | Bon Vie magazine

The art world can appear intimidating - especially for new collectors. If you're ready to acquire your first conversation piece, read on.

You've done it, sis. You've climbed the ladder and are ready to celebrate and treat yourself. It's time. If you're a fan of art, this is the perfect moment to start your collection.

Today, fine art is more accessible to the new collector than ever. Galleries, agents, and artists are all vying for the attentions of the buying public.

Use this list of quick tips to guide you as you prepare to purchase your first piece. Whether you’re drawn to classic oil paintings, contemporary sculptures, or vibrant digital art, you can navigate the art world with confidence.

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Racism drove Black people out of the Kentucky Derby. It's time to reclaim the sport. Bon Vie magazine

It's that time of year again. Derby is coming! The iconic 150th Run for the Roses is set to take place at Churchill Downs this year. Though crowds will descend on Louisville from all over, Black attendance at the event will likely be minimal.

We've figured out why.

Over the course of the last one-and-a-half centuries, equestrian sports - particularly horse racing, have been whitewashed to a point where they no longer resemble the competitions our ancestors witnessed.

Few Black people realize just how rich and storied our history in the Kentucky Derby actually is. Allow us to enlighten you.

The Derby been #BlackAF.

Read on to look back at the past, see how Black owners and trainers are reclaiming Derby in the present, and why you should enjoy "the greatest two minutes in sports" in the future.

A Black Past: When African-Americans Dominated Horse Racing

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Vegan fine dining is a bit of a brass ring.

There are a few hallowed eateries that do it well in the States, like Eleven Madison Park in New York, Shojin in LA, or the now shuttered Candle 79, but options can be far more limited when traveling abroad.

As one would imagine, the culinary heritage of the island of Bali emphasizes seafood and a variety of meats. Dishes like Nasi Campur boast everything from chicken to fish, but there are a surprisingly number of outlets offering plant-based versions.

Bali’s Blossoming Vegan Food Scene

Image courtesy of the establishment.

In areas like Seminyak, Ubud, and Canggu, vegan restaurants are springing up to meet the demand of uncompromising, health- focused travelers. One staple of the community is Tanaman, a pure, plant-based offering from the world-famous Potato Head Beach Club.

Located inside the main structure of the club, Tanaman delights the senses with rich teak wood furnishings and rustic linens. The vibe is distinctly tropical, punctuated with the restraint and elegance often associated with Asian design.

Once seated, the scope of the restaurant become clear. This is an establishment clearly planned with style and sustainability in mind. The use of natural materials is front and center, and the live trees throughout usher nature into the dining experience.

The New Fusion: New Twists on Classic Dishes

Menu offerings include fresh twists on Indonesian classics and innovative fusion- style dishes influenced by the culinary richness of the region.

Tanaman offers a nine-course tasting menu which was unavailable on the evening of my visit.

On the recommendation of the host, I opted for the bayam (spinach chips) and sate jamur (wood ear mushroom satay).

Bayam is a traditional street food in Indonesia, and Tanaman’s modern twist on it offers a fresh way of consuming the hearty dish. Spinach leaves are lightly battered and fried crisp and dusted with a pungent curry powder.

The sate jamur, a plant-based alternative to the plethora of meat sates on offer in Bali, was hearty and lived up to its counterparts.

Presented on wooden skewers, the mushrooms were charred and smoky, with hints of sweetness from the basting sauce.

Though both dishes were nice introductions to the restaurant, they lacked the depth I hoped for. Similar dishes from hometown warungs, small traditional restaurants, offer more poignant flavors. The flavor profiles were adequate, but there was no wow factor. Given that Tanaman is a small-plate style restaurant, perhaps the tasting menu offers a fuller sensory experience.

In terms of value, dishes are priced on par with high-end casual fare in the area, which is significantly higher than more local eateries nearby. If you can catch the set tasting menu on Friday or Saturday, Tanaman offers a worthwhile look into high-end vegan Indonesian cuisine.

If you’re visiting Potato Head during your time in Bali, Tanaman is a good way to top off a day of sun, friends, and fun. Pop up for the Friday or Saturday tasting seatings and you’re golden. If you’re looking for a more traditional fine experience for date night or a special occasion, consider Aperitif or Mozaic.

3.5 out of 5 stars.



The Richest Man in Babylon Book Review | Bon Vie magazine

This 1920s tome has become a cult classic among the wealth-minded and financially savvy.

Depending on your style of travel, you do one of three things while flying: watch movies, read, or sleep.

For the bibliophiles among us, we’d like to suggest a classic read that’s good for the mind and the wallet – George S. Clason’s The Richest Man in Babylon.

Richest Man in Babylon Review | The Shelf, Bon Vie magazine

What started out as a series of educational pamphlets distributed by banks in the 1920s has become a cult classic among the wealth-minded and financially savvy.

Still in print today, the book gives powerful financial lessons through a series of vignettes, similar to parables, about wealthy Babylonian merchant Arkad and two young men who aspire to create their own fortunes.

Explore its pages to learn Arkad’s story, his “Seven Cures for a Lean Purse” and the “Five Laws of Gold.”

If you only implement the first Cure, you’ll have gotten your money’s worth from the tale.

At 144 pages, the book is short enough to finish on a long-haul flight with time to spare – and chock full of smart money moves.

Next time you take to the friendly skies, bring along a copy, and you’ll be (mentally) richer by the time you deplane.

5 out of 5 stars.

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